Christina Van Dyke


Co-Coordinator, Radical Thinking in Religious Contexts: Medieval Women, Epistemic Authority, and Philosophy as a Way of Life 

I'm emerita professor of philosophy at Calvin College, specializing in medieval philosophy and the philosophy of gender. Much of my recent research combines those two areas and challenges the idea that women didn't do philosophy in the Middle Ages. Currently I'm putting the finishing touches on a book, titled A Hidden Wisdom, that focuses on what medieval contemplatives (such as Marguerite Porete, Hadewijch, Catherine of Siena, Angela of Foligno, and Mechtild of Magdeburg) have to say about five central philosophical issues: self-knowledge, reason and its limits, love and the will persons, and immortality and the afterlife. I'm spending my "Panbattical" 2020-21 academic year working with the Center for New Narratives in Philosophy at Columbia University as Director of Digital Resources and Co-Director of Medieval Projects. I'm also taking lots of naps and writing creative non-fiction on my blog.