CNNP is proud to host a session on the works of Sophie de Grouchy at the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association in Vancouver, Canada. The session is coinciding with the publication of the edited collection of de Grouchy’s work by Oxford New Histories of Philosophy series. The session is chaired by Marcy Lascano (University of Kansas). The first speaker is Eric Schliesser’s (Universiteit van Amsterdam) presentation titled "Grouchy, Hume, and Shaftesbury on Enthusiasm;" followed by Meena Krishnamurthy’s (University of Michigan) paper "Making Pictures, Making Racial Progress: Smith, de Grouchy, and Martin Luther King Jr." The session will concluding with Sandrine Bergès’s (Bilkent Universitesi) discussion "Sympathy for the Guillotined - Sophie de Grouchy, Seneca, and Spectator Punishment."